Tuesday, October 13, 2009

MemOrY Of The CoMpeTitOn...!!!!

BIID stands for business invention,innovation and design...
memang penat giler before the competition...
kami yg baru part 3 ni memang rasa mcm nak pecah kepala...
tambah plak compete tuk research ktorg tuk subjek MGT533...
thanks to Ass.Prof.Dr.Norzaidi...
Becoz of you, kami tau betapa susahnya research ni..
and sbb subjek ni jgk la we all tau mcm mna susahnya student Phd wat research...
lega rasanya...dh lepas...
memang interesting...
apa yg lebih m'banggakan....
my claz....all group dpt bwk balik medal..!!!!
CONGRATS guys!!!! ;p
bkn senang rupanya kan...
and worth it...
also to another claz....
OPEMS rocks!!!!
untuk part 3 A n B...
dpt bawa pulang 10 medal kesemuanya...
1 gold, 2 silver, 7 bronze...
bangga prof kter...
and miss shat pn bgga jgk...
good job to all of u...
so, make sure keep that memory as a precious moment in ur life...
wish u all the best for upcoming final...
RuN FoR UR DrEaMS!!!! *.*


  1. iyachan!!!!!!mana gmbr aku n ten???smp hati ko....mentang2la kitorg bkn kwn baik ko...cekewa kitorg..huhuhuhuhuhuu....

    -gmah yg gebu n ten yg sporting-

  2. hahahaha....bkn daaa...
    dh korg xnk b'gambar dgn aku time tuh...
    yela..spe la aku....bkn kwn bek ko...


saya ingin komen..;p